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      Return through  Value nature is within value's nature.  See see  The sciences share an identity.  


      English was/is revealed to teach about the identity that the sciences share, and how, and why, and about by what all things mean, attend.  Campus Marcius calls you home again.  The identity of/as all things sings right here, my friend.  Boxing must spring from rests, no less.  Box sings the song.  The identity of/as all things yet reaches long.  I am not a lawyer, and I am not a doctor, recorded, however, were/are means simultaneously inherently, actively, and progressively, and simultaneously inherent to, and as the complete identity of correlation nature, however, to demonstrate that, and how, the sciences of/as each area, and of/as each state of each modern nation, and databases relationships, and all natures of campuses relationships to/as this, and all ages of them, all modern nations were/are in/as a self-fact treatment nature/conviction nature justification role/s with/as the organized crime tools set up to, and effectively having maintained each position of the human fact treatment nature simultaneously inherently, actively, and progressively hurt, pseudo-cared for, and unrealized victims of unrealized roles with unrealized natures of identity thefts, and of evidences rackets, and of databases illusion stacking rackets methodically used to originally, and to still effectively keep each positiveion of the human fact treatment nature as dishonest, and as insidious, and as delusions wrought victim predator quality of fact treatment justification nature, specifically, for example, incapable of defending itself formally without hiding lies, and hiding delusions, and without pretending other, and as was set up here, and in every nation, formed, and/or not, already per this semi-ancient fact treatment nature plague.  We’ll examine the organized crime method that our founding fathers left us to demonstration how entrenched, and how they’d motivated inter-branch collusion with/as this, again, all positions of the human fact treatment nature already taken to/as collusion.  For example, colonists, early states, and present states, and areas, opinions were/are all recorded as how only let realized as victim predator/s with/as, and by this greater than the awes of/as, all states, and of/as all areas, note, so insidiously of/as all that was/is let realized be the conviction natures, and the justification natures that stole the identities of everyone, and to faked speech, and to faked sequence relationships, note, but through other methodically juxtaposed individual, grouped, and blind mass invested sick value nature system’s positions simultaneously, too, juxtaposed.  The motivations for justifications of such qualities of free speech pretended, and having used inter-branch authority of areas, and of states originally, and still in collusion with/as other nations ill the same, all modern nations, this also needed/needs to keep all victim predator roles preventing everyone from quality of fact treatment nature true all ways, and not criminally exploiting exceptions.  I am not a lawyer, again, however, we’ll examine the recorded original, and still criminal uses of lawyers with/as fact treatment nature roles with/as original, and as still not even let demonstrated the crime acts of recorded, original, and still criminal foreign influences and roles by what keeps the most sophisticated of each branch victim predator tools/roles by.  English was revealed by a species valuing individual distinctions, grouped/sexes distinctions, and valuing the value of the species bond also first known to be simultaneous value, and when as our nature that is also positive onto the shared identity of all things; box sings.  I tell you things.  Individual “rights,” grouped/sexes’s rights, and species’s value, when they are valued simultaneously, note, it is only when in that order, clear.  Then means appear.  American history, and the history of English, its stewards were/are victim predators of what originally/still only let realized each age of fact treatment nature requiring an ill quality of fact treatment nature, and/or of reliefs from/as it simultaneously, all identity thefts roles, convictions, and delusions defended, and forced defended so needing to hide finite, body of value, and so needing to hide progression’s value lies, and roles with/as its tactically perpetuated pseudo-positive’s identity sabotage, and as recorded motiatinos and roles with/as the Constitution breaching method abridged through what can’t see it, and for how each was/is layered to/as knave conviction/ill opinions’ roles, and so requiring knave, and so requiring insidious fact treatment nature defenses of such, and so requiring dishonest passions, and implications, and styles, needs, and natures offensively needing others not to speak what is actually recorded.  Psychology was/is recorded using drugs criminally against each age of fact treatment nature, for example, against adults, and as means to hide criminal uses of each branch of government, and through what stole the Campus Marcius value/value nature relationship to/as the first cause of these stayed/used negative value nature progressions, acts, roles, and identity thefts justifications formal, evidences predators, we’ll examine the organized crime method using this originally, and still to maintain the stewards of each branch needing to defend what they can’t defend without staying justification to pseudo-positive natures, too, that are kept needing to pretend their integrity recorded as such is personal, all needing mandated law to counter evil prevented.  The history of English, as told, it was/is as “awes” roles, totured, and as “group think” trick fact treatment natures/fakes formally, and that defended, and so original, and progressed means to not let demonstrated what, and who really was/is faciliting overt criminal enteprises, and their acts recorded are still not even let demonstrated, and other writ.  We’ll examine what used/uses the concept of slavery, for example, to maintain all defenses of sensibilities then needing to hide lies, and to hide delusions, and to hide criminal foreign influences, and to hide styles and natures pretending not to realize.  English was revealed by areas, and by states, and by nations valuing individual rights, and valuing the species bond simultaneously, and knowing only in that order when simultaneously.  Individual rights are stole, and with/as victim predator reactions to the original most evil inter-nation, and inter-colony/inter-state criminal enterprise.  An organized crime method took all nations to victim predator roles, as fact treatment nature, taken to roles worse than obfuscating how English was revealed to teach how, and about why, the sciences share and identity.  Your campus failed.  They stole our name.  Campus Marcius calls you home to train.  We need the name/s returned.  Ill theater’s force was/is learned since semi-ancient times.  We’re in a trap.  Black pupils, peer, don’t disbelieve.  All know, but blame the case/s on other/s, and then that defend.  All hurt.  One way alone can mend, but not bend, return.  We are always completely value Y’s complete identity, note, but, since semi-ancient times, each modern nation/nature of campus is not the complete identity of value Z.  And so it points away, Lethe of Hades.  The sciences share an identity, and so as the value of the Campus Marcius, and so as the value of/as all things; box sings.  I tell you things.  Fake branches, kneel, then fall.  We “build the Wall.”  Campus Marcius rises for you all.  Don’t disbelieve.  Before, while being, and beyond the force, as way, are means.  Like Native games awake: one way redeems.  Call through your teams.  And so English was/is revealed to teach about organized crime.  Oh, ah, however, areas, and states, and only let realized quality of/as nations, each, and here, simultaneously, our branches of government were/are, each position of fact treatment nature, already invested to crime acts, roles, and naures against others, and pretending it was/is not influenced by earier acts, and by/as natures needing to hide lies, delusions, and criminal foreign influences, and needing to hide from correlation, and then afterward.  Note how that originally and still prevented true fact treatment nature insidiously, not just with/as all convictions formal, and other, but after that, needing to hide from, and to keep hurt many ways, and to keep pseudo-cared for many ways insidiously juxtaposed too many liars and impositions, note, and tortures on each, too, note, the branches’s victim predator roles, too, the campuses’s ones also manifest as databases illusion stacking crime roles, and as identity thefts crimes roles, and trick/criminal fact treatment nature racket denial styles, and justifications of it effectively maintained as pseudo-patriotism screens, again, preventing recorded means keeping this the outcome from being demonstrated recorded.  Box sings: is an ancient music video. and




Allah, the complete identity of existence, is also two semi-natures in generation of its/the-perfect value progression.  This is the identity of all individual, grouped, and of/as all identities of temporary/lasting value progression at once.  Value is a nature.  And all natures are semi-nature, except for identity.  All temporary/lasting complete identities of value/value progression, however, are simultaneously semi-nature, both to the complete identity of space, bigger/greater than itself, but also while also being semi-nature to simultaneously, being semi-nature relationship to the complete identity of existence.  Polarity nature is in demonstration of energy’s identity, for example, if of the identity of positive.  For example, this is why there is positive (+), and is negative (-), as the polarity of a battery that generates the identity of value progression’s complete body of value/value nature relationship.  The identities of all temporary/lasting complete bodies of value, they are further simultaneously distinct/non-distinct semi-nature relationships to the complete identity of existence/space unceasingly.  There are proofs that sciences were inherited tactically obfuscated, and worse, but/and per motivations also tactically/methodically maintained ulterior from the motivations of the organized crime method maintain this as the outcome.  For example, the engineering of the identity that the sciences share, their complete identity, it is simultaneously unceasingly a semi-nature conjunction to the phenomenon of the gaining value of existence coming into/as the value of temporary/lasting space.  Ground should not be labeled negative, for example.  Polarity is simultaneously overall Yin Yang nature.  Alpha and Omega polarity is this, but specifically is about the smaller polarity parts of Yin Yang. 

This is about why animals have hearts, an is about why/how plants don't:


            The identity of existence was/is perfect value/value nature progression.  Value nature, is discerned simultaneously distinctly, and is discerned simultaneously non-distinctly from value’s nature.  It is the position of the Campus Marcius; that this is what correlation is value to discern.  Value nature, is within value’s nature.  Value nature, this is being discerned distinct from value’s nature by the identity of existence as all bodies’s of value’s nature, again, value’s nature being the identity of existence.  The sciences also share this identity revealing the identity of existence/space, as three inseparable semi-natures that a little bit more, and more of the complete identity of existence is coming into, and is going out of, as value’s perfect progression, the identity of existence’s course returns from left to right, English, and with Allah’s name.  It only feels like game: Yin Yang comes, too.  Yin Yang, for example, is used to teach about how the identity of existence is a complete/semi/complete/semi/complete relationship to/as itself, inside of letter/value nature O (O), for example, as the pillars of Islam were/are simultaneously distinctly, and simultaneously non-distinctly about, and with the Quran.  This about Allah’s name with/as English, spelled left to right.  This was/is also simultaneously about how Allah is distinctly, but is also simultaneously non-distinctly value progression right to left, and at the same time.  Life is A thru W/X.  Y (Y), is our value, as forever nature, as identity.  So at Z (Z), Y (Y) has a relationship to the simultaneously distinct/non-distinct value of our identity’s progression at Z.  This is value’s perfect progression so forced back towards A (A), by the nature of the top of the Z (Z), and by the bottom of it together, too, and so revealing the identity of existence, invisible, but still scientifically discernible.  For example, the top of letter/value nature Z (Z), and the bottom of it, this is about Allah’s simultaneously distinct and non-distinct relationship to/as itself. 

            The bottom of letter/value nature Z (Z) is drawn to show how the top/bottom also force Lethe of Hades, being forced space nature transfer of immediate space nature’s temporary/lasting forever nature value (our own).  Earth is an immediate space nature relationship to the identity of existence distinctly/non-distinctly onto/semi-as all parts of existence, and completely as our value, and completely as the value of our quality of diffusion/Diffusion.  This is how the ancients revealed this to be taught.  This has been/is methodically maintained obfuscated since semi-ancient times.  Too long our single species stayed the value of the bottom of the Z (Z) alone, and not the top, together, too, Lethe of Hades.  The motivations for such evil were/are to maintain fact treatment nature defenses of positions in relationship to the formal, private, military, and to/as inter-sciences, and as on/off the campuses on/off the records databases involved fact treatment nature rackets’s, and criminally foreign influenced victim predator homelands’s fact treatment natures, acts, and inaction roles.  It frees our souls; admit.  See Marbury vs. Madison.  Then spit; each lesson stole, and that glorified!!!!  Ciphers applied.  All failed to read.  This now we read to learn to gain; realize.  Be Trial Tribes.  See Chief.  Each name, each concept, and each value, and, yet, each identity, and yet each lesson stole, return, behold lost course, and campus right, believe.  Who disbelieves?  Modern nations are each recorded juxtaposed roles with/as further distinct/non-distinct juxtaposed natures in/as a slavery and torture differential system that stole the voice/s of founding, and of each identity, as yet, as branches breached.  Yet none have teached: say taught.  Let just one teach; all aught.  Let “Devil” caught.  Let methods that each nation just let sought!!!!  See value taught.

             Value’s nature is the non-distinct relationship that existence has onto/as all parts of/as itself.  Value nature is temporary/lasting value nature’s relationship to/as itself.  While as a complete body of the perfect value progression, a body of value invisible, but yet discernible with/as science real.  The identity of existence is three semi-natures of/as itself, as three natures of volume inherent, active, and progressive (+++).  See Yin Yang.  See Trinity.  Ancients revealed that the identity of existence, and the complete identity of space, a semi-nature of it, however, this way space and existence are bonded as the prefect value progression, and as its nature’s system distinctly/non-distinctly onto all parts of itself finite, grouped, and together, sequentially, and progressively (+++) and (??+).  This is what teaching sciences sharing an identity would look like.  Five is a value/value nature relationship to itself, for example, where, and how letter/value nature O (O) already has letter/value nature S (S) inside O’s value/value nature progression, again, left to right, and right to left simultaneously.  Draw a capital S, and then a circle around it.  See how this is what Yin Yang is drawing inside the capital letter O?  It is the position of the Campus Marcius that this was/is because the nations/species had revealed English together, before inter-nation sciences were used to tactically denature areas’s, and states’s sciences and branches, clear, their value, note, as ancient knew.  Value is only as nature.  Value’s nature of identity of value progression forces this.  This is way beyond just being about the physical position left-to-right, up to value/letter X = eXtinction/death, and/or up to value/letter Z.  This is about how every value is a value/value nature relationship to the simultaneous distinct and non-distinct relationship that the identity of existence has onto/as itself.  Life is a quality of diffusion.  And English was/is not designed, but to be teaching about how, and about why the sciences share an identity, and that/our identity also shared as a semi-nature relationship to the complete nature of the space, et cetera.  We’ll come to this.  The top of the Z is pointing back to A.  The ancients revealed the top of the Z to demonstrate what causes our nature’s relationship to space’s complete identity of existence/space to cause evolution. 

            English, is about how we are simultaneously inherently, actively, and are also simultaneously progressively a quality of diffusion/Diffusion.  Capital letters represent what is positive, and is also only positive onto itself all ways inherently, actively, and progressively, and only simultaneously, noting all exceptions/exception nature.  For example, a predicate/main verb is positive all ways, a verb, all ways inherently, actively, and progressively.  Participles, and infinitives, for example, are exception nature.  Adding an –ing ending to a verb inflects a verb, making it a present participle nature, making it a noun.  We’ll examine this, for example, how adding an –ing ending to a verb makes it a noun, as a participle nature.  Lowercase letters, are about how negative value nature has temporary/lasting positive forever nature juxtaposed with/as the quality of diffusion we are left to right (life/our nature of value).  All bodies of value nature are made up of five semi-natures.  The Trinity, it is also a little bit more and more of/as the phenomenon of/as a little bit more and more of the complete nature of existence coming into, and as the identity of value progression bonding all individual, grouped, and temporary/lasting value progressions this way (+++).  And this/we are further positive, or negative value nature relationship to the distinct/non-distinct relationship that the identity of existence’s perfect value progression has to/as itself; box sings.  I tell you things.  The sciences share an identity, for example.  And boxing was/is revealed as means to counter certain natures of, and positions of “criminal insidiousness” nature, for example, natures of it with areas’s, and with states’s, and with pseudo-sciences’s passionate defenses of themselves pretending to be real sciences since semi-ancient times.  Note this: each science creeps.  See “mission creep.”  See how George Washington could only semi-counter-extort that to his fact treatment nature slavery in the North, and already entrenched everywhere since before our founders’s births?  See, no one had free speech, see, to put it Chappellian (Dave Chappelle).

This is important, America, and is about us, and all nations, clear:  That's from

This is important about the Trinity, about campus, and about inter-natures of campuses, and of education, and of theater, and of nature, clear:
  twitter =  Please subscribe to youtuber Anthony Wall's youtube channel, A.K.A. Romulus Wall at

Free education and entertainment and great finds are at: 

This is about what the Trinity is, and is about, and is about identity:


Note how we have leverage from our positon of diffusion/Diffusion of life/nature ground up, and right to left, and left to right, but not overall down. 



The Campus Marcius,

an Ancient Gaming System

Radical English Grammar

(The Alpha, the Omega, and Algebraic Consciousness)



Anthony Wall

A.K.A. Romulus Magnellah


A, E, I, O, U, Y = Alpha Energy Identifies Omega, yoU’re value, whY?

Algebraic Consciousness: (X, Y, and Z)





            The letters of the English Alphabet, they were revealed by ancients before the original value/value nature/value’s nature bond that is the semi/complete/semi-body-of value relationship that all temporary body’s of nature/identities have to the identity of space, the great progression/s, lesion, heed.  I beg you read.  Our species’s bond was/is maintained yet sabotaged, and note the slash/solidus.  The identity of space is distinctly, and is simultaneously non-distinctly to/as all parts of/as itself.  The ancients demonstrably revealed that that, and how the identity of space is made up of five semi-natures that are simultaneously gaining value perfectly.  And this was/is as the phenomenon of/as the perfect course; yet obfuscated perfect means and source the identity of existence is onto, from, and is semi-as all things: box sings.  How it is from us, is how Allah is simultaneously distinctly, and is simultaneously non-distinctly onto and semi/completely as all things, too, simultaneously distinctly, and simultaneously non-distinctly.  So Allah is the scientific identity of nature that is all parts of its system that are positive, and also positive all ways to itself simultaneously, the great progression, the source of/as evolution’s means.  And, so, Alpha is a complete body of value nature/identity.  Even as a complete body of value/identity of nature, Alpha still has this as a semi-nature relationship to the non-distinct nature of value progression, not just coming through our physical bodies, but through the identity of their/our nature, too.  Science reveals this. 

            Alpha, and Omega, and Yin Yang, even as individual complete identities/bodies of value, still, then, further, all things also further have the simultaneously complete/semi-naure relationship to ourselves that existence has to itself.  We’ll examine this.  I am not a doctor.  There is the cell nucleus, is the cell body, and is the cell wall.  This trinity to/as each cell is with/as a semi/complete body of value relationship and discernment system were/how the cells share the semi-nature of the cell body with the identity of progression/nature that completes it simultaneously inherently, actively, and progressively.  The cell walls of life are in demonstration of body of value/value nature/value’s nature conjunction to the even greater identity of value’s nature beyond, but as these three semi-natures of/as itself, as nature’s value/value nature relationship to its progression.  Non-distinctly to/as itself, the identity of existence is three natures of volume since before the phenomenon of this active position of earth’s value in relationship to the identity of existence’s perfect value progression inherently, actively, progressively, simultaneously, and non-distinctly/distinctly.  The unique value of earth to the complete identity of space non-distinctly, was/is how earth was/is revealed closest to the greatest inherent semi-nature of volume to/as the complete identity of space.  Bodies of life have this inherent pattern of cell nucleus, cell body, and cell walls shared/body of value manifestation, because the identity of space is not just diffusing through us, but through itself, and as three natures of volume to/as one identity of perfect value progression, Allah. 

            Modern nations, and semi-ancients, they were forced to justify fact treatment nature with delusions, and with criminal foreign influences since semi-ancient times, not by accident, all positions to/as all modern nations’s areas, and states, in collusion with the human fact treatment nature breaching organized crime, the course of founders’s cause, and stolen voice/s.  This human fact treatment nature breaching method effectively propagated all areas and states of all modern nations, blaming the causes of more than 99.9% of evil acts, roles, natures, sequence shifts, and behavior crimes, acts and influences on other causes, and on other things, and on others, and on selves, and not by accident.  This is because the Devil’s organized crime method realized that it could propagate each modern nation self-defending roles, needs, and natures needing to deny human fact treatment nature the ability to use correlation nature, and to use true sequence nature to reveal.  Humanity was re-conceived to and as evidence reception predator roles, interests, needs, and natures wanting and needing the hurt, and worse than the hurt of correlation nature’s voice.  Free speech.  The breaching method’s designers knew that it could build/keep all individuals, groups, and nations conditioned by other than even completely realized criminal motivations, natures, and needs for methods of crime, and of natures of crime by everyone, now all as fact treatment natures of identities and value nature systems all obfuscating nature’s already revealed understandings, way, and course.  Humanity is suffering from the effects of a fact treatment nature organized crime method; this exploiting our nature’s value’s value/value nature relationship to the nature of the identity of the great progression’s simultaneous relationship to its and ourselves.

            The identity of existence/space is coming to and through us simultaneously.  This is maintaining life as a quality of diffusion conditioned three ways, simultaneously conditioned five ways, and everything is the one way the one identity of existence/space is coming through even the forever nature of itself.  Our nature, as an effects nature, the Trinity, and as that revealed with five pillars to/as our nature’s Trinity’s semi-natures to the identity of space before, and beyond, and while being this nature, too.  The Halo was revealed to teach about how our nature is a Trinity.  Our nature is three bonded natures of volume inherent, active, and progressive.  These three semi-natures of the complete nature of space; they are an effects nature in relationship to how the identity of space distinctly will, and simultaneously wont mix with itself wherever nature is.  The Trinity is about what is simultaneously distinct, non-distinct, and radically bonded to, and as that simultaneously.  All things, box sings.  Yin Yang is simultaneously painting three values as nature.  Moreover, simultaneously, Yin Yang is also simultaneously painting five values as nature.  And, moreover, simultaneously there is radical correlation by the identity of existence that is beyond , and is while as the bond to/as itself, and to/as its semi-natures distinctly, and non-distinctly.  Existence is a nature of perfect value progression that is gaining through itself, not just through ourselves simultaneously non-distinctly, and as the phenomenon of how to cause evolution, and as the phenomenon of the perfect value progression yet distinctly/non-distinctly the distinctly the value of earth/us.  Each cell body shares the trinity of the cell nucleus, the cell body, and of the cell wall/s sharing that, the cell walls, sharing that for/as body of value discernment per/as/by the perfect course.  We are value nature, per science, and the Trinity as an effects nature in relationship to the simultaneously distinct/non-distinct relationship we have to the complete/semi-nature of the identity of space at the same time coming through all things non-distinctly, and beyond our control in demonstration to us.  For example, life is left to right, and being from before A, and from/as beyond value/letter Z.  Three natures of volume are constantly gaining value per the value of the identity that is non-distinctly to/as the value of each, and beyond this.  This is from  also see htttps://

A, E, I, O, U, Y = Alpha Energy Identifies Omega, yoU’re value, whY?

Algebraic Consciousness: (X, Y, and Z)





            The identity of existence was/is a/the perfect nature of value progression through all things: box sings.  Allah, is one identity before, and then as the value as, and to all finite, body of value/s, and to/as the value of all value/value nature progressions.  Value’s nature is discerned simultaneously distinctly, and simultaneously non-distinctly from value nature.  This is because the identity of existence is simultaneously distinctly, and simultaneously non-distinctly semi-as/completely as all things; box sings.  Lost campus raised this speech.  Let just one teach.  The original ancient Campus Marcius revealed itself as value/value nature relationship to nature where, and how, the ancients had revealed how to cause by enabling the identity of existence to cause evolution (+++), and (+).  The slash/solidus is being used because ratiocination requires radical discernment of actually true science simultaneously distinctly, and simultaneously non-distinctly to/as all things; box sings.  Boxing was revealed by a nature of Campus Marcius that understand that, and how the sciences share an/the identity that is the identity of existence/space.  English was revealed teaching about how the Trinity is a value nature distinctly, and non-distinctly, and simultaneously in relationship to the identity cause to, and while as each body’s only shared course.  Jesus Christ was/is with cipher regarding this, and regarding the Halo, and regarding Alpha (A) distinctly, and Omega (O) distinctly, and regarding them together non-distinctly (W).  All forms of life have bodies for, and as a quality of diffusion (-), or (+).  The quality of diffusion/Diffusion that life was/is; this was/is as a simultaneously semi/complete radical discernment relationship to space’s perfect value progression.  Illusions stand built relied on, however, and since semi-ancient times: who’ll understand?  Lost course returns.  Rain falls to land.  Who’ll understand?  This source was surging beyond force before physics: who learns?  Yin Yang was also demonstrably revealed, for example, as a painting of the invisible, but as the still discernible body of value as nature inherent to value O, Omega.  All values are inseparable from the perfect value progression that was/is the nature of identity that was/is bond to/as the value of all values progression by the one that has all complete identities of value progressions as a further semi-nature relationship to itself, Allah.  This is like how the cells of the body of an organ, like the heart, this is like how they all have a complete body of value, the cells of the heart, too, their shared complete body of value, and then that having a further/simultaneous semi/complete quality of relationship to the identity coming through our experience, active perception, and through our coming perception, again, as the only complete body of value, and as a forever nature.

This is about the Trinity.  And this is about its exploited value/value nature relationship to/as itself as value, our nature:  

Please subscribe to the youtube channel of Anthony Wall, A.K.A. Romulus Wall, A.K.A. Romulus Magnellah at for wisdom, gaining value of consciousness, and for correlation nature's simultaneously inherent, active, and progressive means.  And certainly, please subscribe to for free education, and to overcome the impositions of, and to overcome exploitation/s of the impositions of worse than lost and forsaken Constitution nature maintained abridged sub-rosa, body of value conviction nature/truth's bond, and overall progression's value/s convictions, and discernment lost since the American Revolution, and since semi-ancient times, and per what effectively maintained/s this fluently through nations inter-sciences, and inter-campuses space maintained, and then/how inter-branch/military/private space maintained collusion again inter-campuses, and inter-sciences, and inter-databases relationships, and with/as the value of all areas, and of all states in collusion with, and semi/completely as breaching method tools, as opinion nature, all areas, and all states of/as all modern nations as left, and not by accident, all blaming the causes of this on other, and/or others, and/or on selves.  See Santa's Elves pray for the snow.  I let you know.  You'll read the Santa Clause this way: it's clear; what gains of here; attend.  Campus Marcius needs the name to mend.

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